Search and discover

Eggs at Easter timeThe weekend was all about search and discover.  Oh, and “cracky” eggs and chocolate eggs.  Obviously.

Good Friday found us on an east coast beach hunting for seashells.  After collecting half a bucketful, splish splashing in the waves for a bit in our boots, and building a line of sandcastles, we went in search of fish and chips and hot drinks to warm us up.

On Saturday, after enjoying a family lunch, three generations of us took to the outdoors for an Easter egg hunt.  Alfie the spaniel won the prize for the keenest nose; he had to be physically removed from the game.

In search of spring down on the farm on Easter Sunday we were rewarded with adorable baby animals and their protective mothers, and tiny day old chicks hopping around under a heat lamp. An absolute delight to witness.

Dreadful weather on Easter Monday forced us to stay indoors all morning, so once we’d had our cracky eggs and soldiers, we trawled through a box of Lego to find the tiny pieces to make an impressive-looking tractor. And before the last raindrops had finished dripping, we were off to source a set of stabilisers suitable for an apprentice giraffe’s new bicycle.  Once they were fitted, it was away to the woods for a trial run, careering through puddles, hoping that the mudguards would save the good blue coat and the little red plait.

A wonderful search and discover weekend it’s been.

All images © 2016 Suzy Barker – photographs may not be used elsewhere


  1. That sounds like such a lot of fun! My children are in their late teens, so a bit too old for Easter egg hunts. On the other hand, they’re still too young to have children of their own. All that means that I’m in a kind of in-between stage, waiting for grandchildren to play with. Still, looking on the bright side, it’ll give me some time to perfect my egg-hiding techniques. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How I wish we could spend another easter at the farm either a show or just for a day discovering for fun just for kids. Very nice post and experience for the family and the child 🙂


    • Thanks for commenting. It’s not essential to have a “small person” in your family to go these places. Just hang a camera round your neck, pay the entrance fee and go along and have a lovely time. Either that, or borrow a friend’s child or grandchild for the day!

      Liked by 1 person

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